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Implementing VRTK

Virtual Reality Toolkit

Numerous changes have been made to the design architecture of player gameplay. One big change is the use and implementation of the Virtual Reality Toolkit or VRTK. VRTK allows us to expand on player interaction as well as functionality; moreover, using the VRTK_Body_Physics script allows us to create a capsule collider on the Fly which adjusts to Player height, this was a feature much needed. Apart from the nearly 900 lines of code in this script we're able to adjust a few lines to get the desired outcome we want on our side.


360 Movement Style

The way we go about player movement has also changed, before we had a movement style that left much to be desired and we made numerous changes based on real world feedback thanks to our User Experience team. We now allow the player to use the touch pad on the HTC Vive controller to move around freely using analog movement, this was also a feature achieved through the use of the VRTK SDK



Using a combination of VRTK SDK Manager and some scripting on our side, we're now able to design complex interaction such as picking up objects and using functionality featured on that object, such as activating a grenade held in hand and hitting the application button to activate it. With more interesting ideas brought to the table, we can expand upon our player interactions

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